Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Reading Adaptor Laptop Hard Drive Dead Hard Drive?

Dead Hard Drive? - reading adaptor laptop hard drive

I have a 2.5 "Hitachi 30GB PATA hard drive that came with my Dell Inspiron 5100 and died, I mean, it was removed, and then reconnect, I just put in the fridge for a bit and everything, but even by the system to read again, then I plug in USB hard disk adapter, which I think is my office to read, but all he wants is to delete data on the hard drive dead Does anyone know a good software , could do? I've heard that if I buy the same model to the same number who are still on the hard disk you can manually open and the exchange of the CDs I do not want to do that. I would do it by the software, if someone can guide me the right software I can use to view the contents of the disk and everything I need, such as videos, delete photos, images, documents, etc.

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