Wednesday, January 6, 2010

City On The River Yangtze Where Can I Find A Good Article On Inner City Culture?

Where can I find a good article on inner city culture? - city on the river yangtze

Evidently, a whole universe that I know. I live in the Oakland Hills (the beautiful side of a race to the bottom of the city), Asperger's, and go a little higher opinion of special school in another city. However, right next to me, but a world away an entire culture, which I have no idea.

Where can I find a full article about the culture of downtown? Something like an anthropological approach, and does not end the violence "Article assumes that the reader already knows the culture of downtown.

1 comment:

Melissa H said...

If you are higher for crimes in the cultures of the city center (downtown areas, crimes are interested) and then tries to raise the theory of concentric circles of criminology. Very interesting.

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