Friday, January 22, 2010

Victoria Hotel Hello All, I Have Two Questions, The First One About A Hotel In Victoria. It Is Called " Havas Royal Hotel?

Hello all, I have two questions, the first one about a hotel in Victoria. It is called " Havas royal Hotel? - victoria hotel

I want to know more information about the hotel, please. Secondly, what are the health insurance for companies with registered?


Jeff H said...

Victoria I visit every year and have never heard of this hotel. I could not find mention reviewed the site in the previous answer (despite global search of the Internet, to the site) and noted some reservations.

The telephone numbers are no figures for Victoria, British Columbia. The toll is I've ever seen. The prefix 080 is not that I have seen toll-free in Canada. The other code phone number of the zone is usually not with a cell phone, connected to a landline. There is a list of hotels telephone pounds.

All external links on this page is not working, only those that show the hotel itself, although only one shows pictures of the interior, no pictures from the road. Several other compounds, including the reserves, which would not work hard for the hotel guests even if it acrually rooms.

The site points out in his description of himself as the "Royal Scots", which is a real hotel in Victoria, however, I did it several timesd, unless they have changed a lot since last year, as not all institutions.

The address of the suspects, Quebec and 42B is that even if Quebec St are all the numbers I've seen 3, not 2 two digits.

Photos of the rooms seem to always be a variety of styles, it is unlikely that in the same hotel, and many of the images seen through the windows of Victorian. A few glances at the sea show that in the region and in a hotel in St Quebec, not because of their location. It seems that whoever designed this site using a variety of images from other hotels to make it.

There's a photo courtesy of a hotel shuttle. The only problem is that the shuttles used to promote the hotel and it has nothing to express, show a connection with a hotel. Seems to be a distributor of free shuttle vehicle for people who take their vehicles to be used in maintenance. I may be wrong, but the picture is blurred, suggesting that was recorded in a street somewhere in a drawer or the image is ratherFuzzy to express, in any case very suspicious.

The more time passes, people run to be more creative and that is certainly the most creative I've ever seen. Not respond to offers by e-mail or form of application, because it is in my opinion, will eventually lose money and personal information.

SteveN said...

A Havas Royal Hotel in Victoria, British Columbia. This is the website:

Be aware that criminals who are sending spam e-mail to hotels in Canada. They are really located in Nigeria and the use of free e-mail accounts with fraud and money can be for processing an application to be sent.

If you find out if the hotel try in a real hotel Havas, because you got a job offer via e-mail, make sure you throw it and do not send cash.

As a company, Medicare in Canada, most Canadians have access to government-run health care, not sure what companies are available. The only thing I know, Blue Cross Canada

SteveN said...

A Havas Royal Hotel in Victoria, British Columbia. This is the website:

Be aware that criminals who are sending spam e-mail to hotels in Canada. They are really located in Nigeria and the use of free e-mail accounts with fraud and money can be for processing an application to be sent.

If you find out if the hotel try in a real hotel Havas, because you got a job offer via e-mail, make sure you throw it and do not send cash.

As a company, Medicare in Canada, most Canadians have access to government-run health care, not sure what companies are available. The only thing I know, Blue Cross Canada

Senshock... said...

Try Google

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