Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Vegetable Storage Bin Can I Start Vegetable Plants From Seeds Using A Plastic Storage Bin As A Greenhouse?

Can I start vegetable plants from seeds using a plastic storage bin as a greenhouse? - vegetable storage bin

I want to start tomatoes and peppers from seeds for planting later next month. I live in northern Florida, and we are working day in the 80s. I bought pots of peat and half from seed. I know I can see the pots in a clear, by plastic tub and put in place by the middle of my garden. I think I about 11-12 hours, the sun and the right, and I think the humidity should be tightly with the lid. The bath is about 1.5 meters by 3 meters in clear plastic.

I try to put money from the seeds of my plants. Last year I bought the plants from the nursery and I think it would be more advantageous to buy fresh vegetables in supermarkets.

All suggestions, comments?


Lufbery said...

Yes you can. However, I have a few 2 "holes at each end and the container on blocks (or pieces of 2x4, etc.). This allows air circulation and keep plants too hot. Take into account equipment:
- Maybe you want to fix the holes so that you can slide closed the night in the cold clips Braxton (?).
- You can make a screen of some kind to more than 80-degree (see days or simply remove) the container.
- To truly elegant ... Platform for a small fan to blow air circulation within creat (more important once the seeds germinate ... considers the growth of fungi).

However, everything can be done, and what would be fun. Remember to keep moisture in the dice ... Air Flow dry.

(Also.es .. flouresent can put a light on a tray of peat pots and kept in his house with the thermostat set at about 72 degrees. The light should be six inches of soil. ... As soon as the plants grow six inches Light sprout.)

Ohiorgan... said...

Propose No, what you will cook your plants. Leave the lid of a transparent plastic box in 81F heat time in the chest about 150 ° C and it will kill all seedlings.

Over time, you do not need protection against the cold for their pepper seedlings. if you want, but in a box, leave the polar caps and the agricultural / row cover or a piece of shade cloth to retain moisture enough seedlings, but also for air and heat.

If I wanted to find a place away from direct sunlight has forgotten a good windbreak planting and the whole box / image of a cold frame.

SAMMY said...

No, because everything is well-ventilated greenhouse. You need to start the seeds in a small bowl in the first home. But the idea of growing and eating your own vegetables is a good idea.

Smartyma... said...

I think you should store a stick so they can grow, and with all but things look good.

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