Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Formula For Ampere & Size Of Cable What Are The Formulas Of Voltage, Resistance, And Ampere??

What are the formulas of Voltage, Resistance, and Ampere?? - formula for ampere & size of cable

Ohm's law is calculated as follows:

Where V = IxR
V is the potential difference measured in volts (V)
I is measured in amperes (A)
and R is the resistance measured in ohms (W)

The same equation can be written (I) and resistance (R)
I = V / R, R = V / I


emperor said...

Voltage (V) = (amps) * Resistance (R)

Leprecha... said...

If I'm not mistaken, it was:

V = I x R
, V = voltage I = amps R = resistance

cooldude said...

Voltage (V) = (I) multiplied by resistance (R)
V = IR

This is called Ohm's Law

Toy said...

v ^ 2 = IR

dwarf said...

Ask Ohms law.Which

Resistance (R) = Voltage (V) / Current (I)

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