Thursday, January 28, 2010

Incest Msn Addys What's Your Oppinion On Abortion? TWO Part Question, Please Read The WHOLE Question?

What's your oppinion on abortion? TWO part question, please read the WHOLE question? - incest msn addys

So you think abortion is killing a baby? Why? Is it right to abortion up to a certain point you may be pregnant because the baby is not yet developed? Is it perhaps only for rape or incest be aborted?

Ok, after answering this ..... What do you think about this: Baby with two heads:
The two-headed baby born WTH. (I now see on the Discovery Health Channel.) Head also has a facility Partal baby. A spine, ribs and a distinct personality of your baby. (see picture: ...) and these "parasites" is a fully functional brain, emotions and thoughts. You are connected to the head. If these parasites live in? Yes, but it is wrong to kill? No body, but she has a functioning brain ..... Hmmmm. Dura. So what are views on abortion contribute to this situation? This head has a brain and effectively the additional tasks and emotions. Is it wrong to kill?


-=FLEXJr... said...

Abortion is beautiful. Its what to do!

The baby (which is technically not even a child is not yet!) Did not even know what life is, knows what death is. Why is it wrong to take what the "baby" has never been?

Second. I'm sure most people would be grateful if you do not lose the resources of the world with another child who does not care whether he was born or not.

Third, kill the thing with two heads.

SunShine... said...

Well, I think, is a bit like Siamese twins, I mean, if the child could die, not when the other head away then thought to remove it. And avoid to the extent that abortion does not think it is fair, because if you think you can sex, then you have to be able to treat a baby. I think there are situations, however, be accepted.

Agnostic Canadian said...

Thabo I believe that abortion is morally wrong, at first sight, unless:

1. Violation
2. Incest
3. Contraception Failure
4. Mother's life is in danger
5. NE child severely mentally and physically disabled.

I hope to help you.

jodi g said...

I believe that abortion is murder any way you look. If I, the doctors who are not in good health 11 years ago still belongs. I saw the same features, it said, referring to himself. The parasitic twin in question does not have its own personality. It was just that, a parasite that lives will be emptied Minar. Did not surgical removal of the head 2, the child died. Because of the wait to deliver as long as they did, this child now has permanent brain damage and lasting in a vegetative state. It's really a sad situation that should be treated by doctors who knew what they were doing. Surgeons, in Egypt, apparently not.

john h said...

Abortion in a series of Legall week here in Australia. I think that is most of the things we have to choose the right to rape and incest, a very strong reason, but let me tell you, doing something more from my stepdaughter's a big mistake and how you say it's for adultery committed to 1 care is not the man who was married and had a small argument with her husband and she took his advances, and she became pregnant and had 3 daughters, my son was forgiven and back, they had a late abortion, but back together and happy and it's a good mother, just this error 1 in person when she my wife and I have never shown, however, is how to be faithful to the end never falling, we expect that from my partner. So in this case I believe that justified.Part abortion 2nd It's answered a question with the advice of the doctors in terms of quality of life of children, is connected only after verification that the parents can make an informed decision and free will to decide whatseems to be the best. This has absolutley nothng to do with anyone. Perhaps now you are a Christian and I do not believe in abortion, is not a choice. My question to them would be if it was so bad, why does not God in the Bible, after all, he speaks of homosexuals in the same sentence. And it lets children what we wanted to know and will never die. worked in a cemetery, where I saw many dead babies in a single cemetery, where we have very large 2, where I worked, and less than I was as bleak.

Sarah said...

I personally believe that abortion be legal until the fetus has a heartbeat should be. It is a decision that everyone must learn themselves. like what you have decided to religion. should not the government be able to make these decisions for you. I would never have an abortion unless my life was in danger. or in cases of incest. In the position with 2 heads, wow! It's a crazy situation! So the point 2, unable to speak or function as a normal person? just smile and blink. I do not know what I would have done if I am in this situation. I had probably passed. It is a very sad story.

Edit to say: people, why kill the child, who did nothing wrong. I think if the child has a soul, and have done nothing wrong, then surely go to heaven, right? Sometimes it is better to abortion, because babies differently, so they are not wanted, giving rise to undesirable situations is not a big problem that we have overcome. is a positive thing.In addition, if a woman wants an abortion, she was her boyfriend just in the stomach until she miscarried, or beaten with a coat hanger. that illegal abortions will not help.

newrenai... said...

I really want to focus on the second part of your first issue.
I am very sad about the picture of the girl to live with "parasites", the word itself is quite disturbing. Do I think killing is wrong, sorry, but I do not know. Brain, the child thoughts, feelings and emotions, but how long do they live? I see no limbs or organs, can survive. Something in the womb (birth place). Have done some cutting-edge medicine. If the father was in America, where technology is a sunrise later to India more options were to choose to honor the development of fully-trained child. Does that make sense? Now that the "parasites" was born, we come to moral issues. How about this, this "child has to do" to a happy and fulfilling life? I really do not think so.
I do not preach the death, preached the life and happiness and I think it's something people should consider when presented with such a situation.

The first part of your question, you will see the test of time and technology. I do not believe that abortion is killing a baby. He completed a fetus. What features does the idea of a fetus really is? The only on instinct. Abortion is a method of contraception and should be treated as such. Because of the injury, if a woman is raped, why should I have a child is not justified? Ultimately, we need to give women more choices and options with the birth!

natural-born AMERICAN said...

If you can not only survive, he left.

If not, too bad.

I would like to apply in many contexts, including the viable fetus.

However, some who just do not want to destroy the abortions to their own bodies, but to a person's life can not survive late) their own abortion (. Sounds like murder to me. Why does not the child alive?

blapath said...

Abortion is wrong.
An unwanted child is worse.
A baby or a child damaged, resulting from rape, even worse.

There are cases in which no good solution. However, a bad solution is better than the worst.

Another important point: Every woman should have the right to have disposed of her body and her baby.

I hope you do not have to choose between the bad and the worst solution!

cutiepie... said...

first part, I'm OK with abortion if the baby is not there then go there are many in foster care in recent days. Not a good idea to have an abortion because they want a baby or for rape and incest, why it works for me, why have a baby and give it or leave it and abuse?

second part, I will bring a baby with two heads demolition Why two babies at a cruel world, how they managed? Judge people on appearance more character than they do whisper in these days, in the back, because they are different, I would not by my child, but when I take the world as a baby, and I was not with the growing impression convinced that my fault.

newyorkg... said...

The mother should always be the best and only choice of lifestyle and emotional needs.

Susie said...

Abortion is necessarily always wrong, no matter the circumstances.

Rylee E said...

I think you should not kill your baby is 2, because in all seriousness, the emotions and personality, so it's really important that the other baby. Kill him for me, would be regarded as a kind of murder.

RealPicN... said...

To do on abortion, I do not understand

This is a very personal decision and people need to remember to take their own decisions.

The Freedom of Choice

keep it to yourself and not force-feed their beliefs on others

Personally .. A baby is a big responsibility, and if you are raped, why it is a child for the next 18 years. Or give the child up for adoption to torture, as the living, who has a son in the world who do not know.

A large order for a person to accept being raped, then add make matters worse, the need to raise the unwanted child.

Also .. STEAP about outside the box and see things that way .. There are 6 million people here and supposively population will double every 25 years ..
we kill the earth, and fled from the room.

Ll part of your question ....

It was the right decision to remove the head of the parasite to ... Reasons too numerous to list.

be realistic guys

bossmanh... said...

Yes, abortion is killing a baby. It ends the life of a child. If this is not a child, what is it? This is not an error. The life of man. How do I get out of the uterus that change anything? Abortion should be an option only if the mother's life is in danger. When rape or incest happens, that's not the fault of the child. It's terrible, but why kill the child if they have done nothing wrong.

The two-headed babies: doctors must decide that the children have better chances of survival. You save what recoverable. It sucks that these things happen.

ballet-b... said...

God, the singer with an affected honey.

I personally believe in abortion (the ideal would be nice if it had not happened, but) the real world.

I think it should be (for the mother and father both beheaded baby), which I believe may occur if the abortion is a good thing to support if, as the stem cell research should be allowed to other diseases and injuries.

Everything is not black and white, right?

stephani... said...

I agree with abortion, 100% believe it is something to decide that a wife for himself. It is likely that the baby will not live, it will kill the other child is a parasite that lives in the child and must be removed, is also the choice of parents, some people see the head of a Twin - Human however believe that it needed to meet the child's life, save to remove the parasites ... may seem like a child, but it really is a parasite.

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